You may approach the editorial staff with your transcript whether it is in its early stages or a finished article. However, informing us of your upcoming article submission in its early stages will allow for easier scheduling. The common and desired themes for articles and transcripts are methodology, methodological applications, systematic and methodological philosophy, and the further development of methodology. By sending draft to us you are giving us automatic permission to review and publish your text after successful review. We do not publish articles or any pieces that have been previously published elsewhere in the same language, unless the editorial staff deems it viable. We do, however, publish translated articles and other texts that have previously been published in another language. For further information, we kindly ask you to direct your questions towards the editorial staff:
We accept transcripts that are in MS Word doc or docx file formats. The desired font size is 12, with 1.5 spacing, standard MS Word settings and in Times New Roman font. The maximum length for articles and essays is between 10 and 40 pages, one page being 2250 characters in size, and 3 to 6 pages for book reviews, statements, and other such shorter pieces. However, there is some leniency with the maximum length in case the submitted work contains a number of images and charts. If you suspect that your page count will exceed the maximum limit, please contact us at The review process for longer, more encompassing articles and works is longer.
Headers and sub headers should not be numbered. With dates and page numbers, we kindly ask you to use standard hyphen '-', and not the shorter '-'. All external works that are mentioned in the text should be written in cursive, and be followed with the year of print in parentheses.
Citations and References
Citations and additional comments should be included as footnotes in similar for to: Kaketeus 1987, 391-411. We encourage you to use standardized abbreviations with books and other materials that are considered classics. With non-standard abbreviations, please do explain the abbreviation the first time it is used.
Examples of various types of references:
Glenmore, John. 2017. Through the Looking Glass - Studies on Research and Science. Bookwell Publishing.
Pool, Edith (ed.) 1991. Introduction to Qualitative Analysis. Rockwell Publications, New York.
(Should you use specific chapters from specific writes, please do mention the name of the chapter and the writer after the name of the publication.)
Varto, Juha 2005. Laadullisen
tutkimuksen metodologia. Elan Vital, Finland.
Articles within books
Kuukkanen, Jouni-Matti 2012. 'Revolution as Evolution The concept of evolution in Kuhn's philosophy'. Kirjassa Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited (ed. Vasso Kindi and Theodore Arabatzis. Routledge New York/ London.
Jussila, Juhani & Montonen, Kaisu & Nurmi, Kari E. 1992.Chapter "Systemaattinen analyysi kasvatustieteiden tutkimusmenetelmänä". In a book Gröhn, Terttu & Jussila, Juhani (ed.) Laadullisia lähestymistapoja koulutuksen tutkimuksessa. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino).
If the reference is to a more uncommon and special source, please present the reference in a sensible way with clear and understandable information on the source material. Systems, archive standards and file formats may change, and thus we desire punctuality from the writer.
On Submitting
You should send both the transcript version and an anonymized version for peer-review.
Depending on the type, length and depth of the article, the peer-review process may take six to thirteen weeks. In certain cases we are happy to provide an estimate of how long the peer-review process will take, however this is not a given with every article.
The articles and essays are published as PDF digital journal on our website.
Additional information on our preferred types of texts for publication can be found on About Our Journal. For additional information on the core-review process, please visit the page for Peer-Reviewers.